Summer Blues

Sea Isle City Beach Photography It’s that perfect part of the summer.  The days are just a bit shorter.  The nights are a little cooler.  But the photos … you still get amazing photos.  Glorious light.  Fabulous families.  Smiles.  Giggles.


Old Friends

It seems like another life ago. That time when Ken and I first met. That is when I met Megan. She is from up by Ken … and vacations faithfully in Brigantine. It was such an honor to photograph her family … they were so sweet + fun. You see that is the key for…


Family Fun

Each year, I feel like the beach sessions get to be more fun. More relaxed. More smiles. I was out of my elements when I was asked to photograph myself on a beach other than the one I always use… but I think we were able to do just fine.


Family Love

Avalon Family Photography I was so sad when Google Reader was stopped. I loved it. I was able to catch up on all my favorite design, photographer and just plain fun blogs. I searched high + large for a new reader. It was either Feedly or Bloglovin’ … I know that some people love one,…


The Sun + The Beauty

I swear.  I look at the sun.  I look at a client … and think, get it.  Then I get home and wonder.   Are other photographers out there shaking their head thinking what is this girl thinking?  Is she crazy to think this is good?  But I think.  I love it.  I do.  It’s gorgeous. …